Two women sell jewels: One of the sparkly stone kind, the other pure polished metals, that range from delicate thin accessories to heavy Egyptian royalty like decorations. Three sell clothes: One sells cotton dresses for heavy duty home makers, the other sells swimsuits, long, short and skimpy, the last sells fine silks fit for a duchess. Queens wear way more fabric than that. The girl who sells armor has a nice style: her armor accentuates the curves and has tiny sharp spikes in key places. The tall, muscular smith had the cutest blades, engraved with floral patterns. Finally the girls who sold purses had mostly just... purses, though also big bags "You never know what you might need to conceal or dispose of" she winked.
It is, in deed, a rich collection of all the aforementioned merchandise. Many of them catches our heroine's attention, and she is ready to try them on, until one of the women stops her. "Do you have money?" "Why... no, I do not" All she has is her fish jewelry, but that is not going to go, it is too valuable, sentimentally speaking. And it is also just fish leftovers. She looks at the women and thinks "I need to convince them to give me all this for free"
*What to pick and how to get it?
*Make friends, promises?
She needs a lot of clothes. Egyptian royalty definitely suits her, so lots of those weird shoulder pads and fake beards. She also needs a couple swimsuits, skimpy ones. And you can never have enough body armor. If she puts it in her hut, she'll have a reason to lock it. She should make friends like anybody would. By pretending to be interested in the same stuff. She should bring up Lady Gaga.