sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Letters during insanity

The letters in green font are from my friend Lucia, the ones in blue are from me. Lucia here plays "Catalina" a scientist character she made, I play "The Doctor" also known as "Father" a decidedly mad scientist character of my creation. Here it is, enjoy:

"Dear asshole

How goes curing my lupus?

"Dear savage:

That is classified information

The Doctor"

"Dear Dr.;

I'm kind of in a tricky situation. I'm going to die soon. So far, no luck on my end. I'm still borrowing several books from you and Odessa. Won't be able to send them back for a bit longer. Give me a hand here?


"Dear child:

I have a vast collection of hands at your disposal, embalmed, pickled and some even bronzed. You can come by my laboratory any day and pick the one that suits your needs the best.

The Doctor"

"Dear The Doctor;

While I'm sure your collection of hands far exceeds anything I could ever hope to achieve, I'd sort of like to live. Can we make a deal?


"Dear kid:

I never said the price for borrowing one of my hands was your life. Excuse me if I gave such an impression.

The Doctor"

"Dear Doctor;

I would never want to impinge on your hospitality, or anyone's for that matter. That's why I would be very, very grateful if you would share your cure with me, for my own personal benefit. I would like to not move back into my own father's house to die. You and Niels are the only ones I can turn to now.

-Your humble student"

"Dear creature:

If you wanted the cure for lupus you could have started by stating such. I can give you some information about it the day you come by and pick the extremity you so fervently desire.

The Doctor"

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